Another person to watch is Georgia Stryker-Keilman.   Georgia  maintains a blog as well as a FaceBook Page Hellenic Genealogy Geek.  At the present time her site has over 7,000 members.

She extends great efforts to provide helpful information including  the translations of of Greek records and suggestions where to find information.  On her site it is helpful to do a word search so you can more easily find the information you are looking for.

Members of the group are great at helping one another.  I just have to point out the fact that for all the information that she publishes she does not charge others but does this out of her love for genealogy and to help further this work.  What a great sacrifice and service to others!

Why is this important?  Genealogy can get to be a very expensive hobby or past time, or if you have been doing it long enough, it becomes an addiction!  It just seems to get in your blood.  Not everyone can travel to Greece to look at records for themselves and in my view, as a researcher it seems one gets a better quality of work when it is done by someone who really wants to assist others, than when it is done by someone who is doing it solely for the purpose of income.  Genealogy is  a labor of love!

So to Georgia and others like her, who help share records, translate for those of us who do  not read Greek or use their talents to assist the rest of us, a big thank you!




  1. Dawna – I just saw your post yesterday! Thank you so much for the kind comments. I have been thinking about what my goals in this area should be for the coming year. Would love to hear suggestions from everyone.

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